Alternatively: THIS is Why Your Health Habits Matter, and it’s Not Why You Think.

Hey friends! This is the first post in a new series I am starting called “Why Should I?” Each post will be dedicated to explaining the reason behind different health-related recommendations. This first one attempts to answer the overall question, “Why should I even care about my health habits?”

I Don’t Care What You Do

Okay, that’s not entirely true. But what I ultimately care most about, and what you should too, is how you FEEL. Following that notion, I care if there is a connection between what you are doing and how you are feeling. All that really matters is that we are emotionally fulfilled and that we can do what we want to do. Or as I think Marie Kondo would agree with, that we can do the things that spark joy in our lives.

Still with me? For example, you may want to play with your children or grandchildren or dogs because they bring you joy. If your body doesn’t allow you to do that because of some aspect of your health, then that impedes your joy-attaining potential. If you are tired and unhappy at work all day because your back hurts and you never sleep well, then there is likely a cascade of other health consequences that prevent joy from unfolding to its full potential.

My graduate school nutrition advisor once explained it to us this way:

“We all just want to be happy. And it’s hard to be happy when we hurt.”

That sums it up pretty well, don’t you think?

Why Healthy Habits Matter

When we practice regular health-conscious habits such as exercising, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, drinking water, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, etc., we increase the likelihood of keeping our bodies physically healthy. Of course, sometimes there are some things out of our control: genetics and environment to name a couple. But you get the point. Maintaining a healthy body composition and healthy inner biological markers (blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) drastically reduces our chances of becoming ill and hurting.


Staying hurt and illness-free then allows us to more easily do the things we want to do that bring us joy: i.e. running around the yard with the grandkids without becoming short of breath or maintaining a spontaneous travel lifestyle free of medications to keep track of. And we all want to show up and to be around to celebrate more birthdays, anniversaries, and little unforgettable moments. You don’t want to worry about how your health may be impeding your joy.


You Do You

I want you to live your best life. Truly, that is something you need to define for yourself. I will never say that someone needs to change in order to look a certain way or eat a specific diet pattern if it is not their prerogative. Every person is unique and beautiful and has their own set of life experiences to manage. But if you determine that something health-related is holding you back from potentially experiencing more joy in your life, I would love to help you make your own unique changes that will hopefully lead to a happier, more fulfilled lifestyle.

Cheers & Namaste!